Automotive Lenders Are Overlooking the Value of Alternative Data and Instant Decisioning, Open Lending Research Finds
Three in five automotive lenders are seeing rising delinquencies as prime-focused lending standards prevail
Key findings from the study include the following:
- Three in five lenders are seeing rising delinquencies, with prime borrowers driving them. When asked about the credit tiers' impact on driving delinquencies, lenders reported an 8 percentage point increase in the "mostly prime/+" category and a 12 percentage point decrease in the "mostly near- and non-prime" category year-over-year. This shift illustrates the need for alternative data to give a more clear and accurate picture of borrower risk beyond traditional credit scores alone.
- There is a positive trend in the adoption of alternative credit data, but there is still room to grow. “Low credit score” is financial institutions’ top reason for denying loan applications, with only 40% using alternative credit data for loan decisioning. While this figure is up from 34% in 2023, it still shows a concerning oversight given heightened delinquency rates.
- Slow loan decisions are costing businesses crucial opportunities. Only half of lenders provide auto loan decisions with rates within minutes after application submission. The lenders who don’t may find that their prospective borrowers will seek and obtain loans from institutions that provide faster decisions.
“Most lenders are satisfied with their current lending enablement platforms but underestimate the importance of harnessing alternative credit data and receiving decisioning information more quickly,” said
For more insights, access the full report.
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